Monday, May 4, 2009

Paper 2

May 2004 (b): With close reference to two or three novels or short stories in your study, compare the ways in which writers have used narrative strategies and with what effect.

Closely look at two or three novels or short stories you have studied, compare the narrations and structure and how it effects the story.

You could address the structure and style of the novels as well as the narrators in the novels.

I would use "As I lay Dying" and "The Bluest Eye".

May 2008 (a): Discuss the ways in which at least two novels or short stories you have studied demonstrate that the search for identity can be a conscious process.

Talk about the ways in which at least two novels or short stories you have studied show a search for identity can be found by ones self.

With this one you could talk about characterization and narration.

I would use "As I Lay Dying" and "The Bluest Eye"

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